
Egg Gluten

Classic Waffle Plate

Introducing the Classic Waffle Plate – the perfect breakfast delight! Indulge in a delicious combination of fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and a large waffle with sugar-free syrup. Start your day off right with this classic breakfast that will leave you energized. The rich flavors of eggs, bacon, and a sweet waffle will tantalize your taste buds. Treat yourself to this breakfast masterpiece and savor the flavors of a classic breakfast done right! Boost your morning routine with the Classic Waffle Plate – taste, satisfaction, and healthiness in one!


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Introducing the Classic Waffle Plate – the perfect breakfast delight! Indulge in a delicious combination of fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and a large waffle with sugar-free syrup. Start your day off right with this classic breakfast that will leave you energized. The rich flavors of eggs, bacon, and a sweet waffle will tantalize your taste buds. Treat yourself to this breakfast masterpiece and savor the flavors of a classic breakfast done right! Boost your morning routine with the Classic Waffle Plate – taste, satisfaction, and healthiness in one!

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Egg Gluten

Nutrition Facts



  • Waffles (1)
  • Whole Egg (Liquid) (4)
  • Garlic (0)
  • Pepper (0)
  • Bacon (2)
  • Syrup Cups (Sugar Free) (1)

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